Forest Scene References
Military Blockhouse
Draft Text:
The house that Zeke sits in, is a military blockhouse. It will be a overlook house, that is used to find bountys, and help with weapons and medicine for military members.
Sign outside of the house should say. “Howdytown House” in Partnership with the Sheriff
Running from Zeke and Dogs
2. Hiding IN Forest
Add shot of Destiny hiding behind a tree. (Detailed asset) as Zeke Gets Closer
3. Hiding from Zeke and Dogs
Behind a Tree
4. Zeke spots destiny without dogs.
5. Crazy Greyhound surprises Zeke, while barking at Destiny.
6. Zeke shoots gun and falls.
7. Destiny Bolts It
Zeke tries to catch her. She runs, but the dogs eventually catch up to her.
8.Dogs Catch Destiny
9. Dogs Submit
10. Magical Scene (We can decide the animals)
|Zoom into Destiny’s eyes. Then flow to Eagle Scene.
Distance Shot Reference
Video is what I mean by B Roll. To make it more cinematic and bring into the scene.